"The team is collaborative and listens to our needs."

Local Skincare for men

Tikas wanted to change the world by promoting that men also deserves skin-care. Tikas approached Kamila so they can spread their message on TikTok.

Goal: Spread the Message; Raise Awareness

In order to help Tikas spread the message of their brand, we helped them produce videos that can explain the value of their brand and spread their message in a manner that will still capture the attention of their audience. When Tikes onboarded, they started with 3,933 followers. After working with us for 4 months, the followers grew to 30,000.

Result: 1000% growth of Tiktok followers

After working with us for 4 months, Tikas' tiktok followers grew to 30,000. This is 10x growth.

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